8/28/2019 0 Comments When to Wash your HandsOnce you know the importance of handwashing the next thing you need to know is when the heck do I wash my hands.
The short answer, when you have been in contact with germs. Sounds simple, right? Germs are so small they’re invisible to the naked eye. You can only see them under a microscope. This is where it gets tricky. Think about all the places you go in a day. Think about all the surfaces you touch. Germs live on surfaces and wait until someone touches them. They then can enter your body through your nose, mouth or eyes. Whether you stay in your home or go out in public, there are lots of opportunities for you to come in contact with germs. Once a germ is in your body, it can take a couple hours to days before you start feeling the symptoms of the illness it’s caused. As you can’t see the invisible germs, it’s best to wash your hands before and after certain activities. This way you prevent yourself from letting the germs into your body. Wash Your Hands Before:
Wash Your Hands After:
Teaching your children about washing their hands helps keep them healthy. As a by product, you stay healthier as they aren’t passing their illness onto you. It’s a victory for your whole family if germs are prevented from spreading in a household. It also prevents missing school and work.
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